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Materials to accompany the article in MultiLingual Computing & Technology, #76 Volume 16 Issue 8

View XLIFF test file
This is the self-built XLIFF file, which was used for the tests.
Download XLIFFPreparator (Source)

Using this mini tool, you can prepare XLIFF files in such a way that they can be translated in an XML-enabled CAT tool (or with a text editor or an XML editor). However, no special functions or meta data will be used. The mini tool doesn't have any fancy GUI. Instead, a few pop-up windows are used. The code could certainly be improved tremendously, but it works. Java 1.5 (JRE or JDK) has to be installed to make the whole thing work. And here's the usual disclaimer:

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.


After extracting the zip-file, start the program with the command "java -cp . XLIFFPreparator" from the command line (DOS window).

Select the XLIFF file that you want to prepare in the pop-up window.

If the target language hasn't been set, yet, then another pop-up window will appear (one for each <File> element)

If there are segments that should not be translated, then the user has to enter a tag to mark these. The default option is "<NTBT>" (used on the OASIS site). The angled brackets have to be present.

Finally, select the target file (again in a pop-up window). And you're done!

Download XML filter for Déjà Vu X
Using this filter, you can import a prepared XLIFF file into the CAT tool Déjà Vu X, however, only if the default tag "NTBT" for non-translatable things has been used.

Thanks and have fun!